The Blind Spot: Experience, Science, and the Search for “Truth”
/A workshop with philosophers, physicists, and cognitive scientists on the foundations of science and its relation to philosophy, moderated by ICE Director Marcelo Gleiser
What is “truth”? Can it be objectively defined? To what extent are scientific statements “true”? Is the truth in the physical sciences different than in pure mathematics? This workshop brought together an international group of philosophers, physicists, and cognitive neuroscientists to discuss the nature of truth in science and its relation to our experience of the world. If we cannot detach experience from our description of the world, to what extent is science objective? Does experience influence and limit our scientific narrative of Nature?
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Welcome and opening remarks by ICE Director Marcelo Gleiser followed by speaker Evan Thompson of the University of British Columbia
A two-day virtual conference bringing together scientists and humanists to discuss our collective future from different perspectives, moderated by ICE@Dartmouth Director Marcelo Gleiser
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